Monday, May 5, 2008

Cruel As Children

Earlier this week, a friend told me her children were being teased and attacked because she is gay. It made me wonder, how common this is? I know that as an adult, I receive snide remarks about my sexuality but my child? Sunshine is only 2 right now. So those in her little play circle most likely can not grasp the concept of homosexuality. But what happens when she gets older? How do I go about preparing her for this future adversity?

I know in life, children are teased for a variety of thing. Be it complexion, intelligence, size, or whatever. Shoot, I was teased about being really dark as child. There is really nothing that is off limits. I believe this starts within the home. Children (at their ages) only repeat what they hear their parents say. It is important to teach our children tolerance and compassion from the start. With all the ignorance and plain ugliness we all face in the world, why not instill in our children the thing that the world needs more of? Most of us take time to teach them to their ABCs, 123s, and manners and such. So why not take the time to teach them love and respect for all people?

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